Corporate Directorships
CHAIRMAN of the BOARD (2002 - 2007) and DIRECTOR   1984 - 2009
CTT, Inc. (Communications Transmission Technology)  Santa Clara, CA
Founding director of this highly successful microwave amplifier and subsystems design, engineering and manufacturing company. CTT provides a variety of products for military and aerospace customers, as well as an expanding line of products for commercial communications applications, including a line of optoelectronics modulator/amplifiers. See for additional information.

As a director, guided company through its original formation as a spin-off of another, larger Silicon Valley based company. Responsibilities and accomplishments have also included major management changes and ownership restructuring, as well as implementation of plans to meet the challenges of domestic military budget cuts in the early 1990s, through establishment of a commercial communications and optical electronics component of the company’s business. From its inception, when there were literally hundreds of such manufacturers in the marketplace, CTT has grown to become one of the top three companies of its kind in the U.S. — with international sales in Europe, Israel, and the Pacific Rim — while the vast number of competitors have fallen by the wayside. Member of the Executive, Strategic Planning, and Compensation Committees. Elected Chairman in 2002; became Chairman Emeritus after serving a five-year term.

CORPORATE DIRECTOR                                                1984 - 1989
California Eastern Laboratories, Inc.                 Santa Clara, California
Founded in 1959, California Eastern Laboratories is the NEC Corporation's North American sales and marketing partner for RF, wireless, optoelectronic, laser and fiber optic semiconductor products. NEC is one of the largest semiconductor manufacturers in the world and CEL ships over 100 million of their devices to its customers each year. The company is one of the largest employee-owned companies in Silicon Valley, and among the 100 largest private companies in California, with more than $120 million in annual sales. See for additional information. As a director, involved in the significant expansion of the company’s business, as well as a managementled leveraged buy-out of the founder. Member of the Executive and Compensation Committees.

CORPORATE DIRECTOR                                                 1984 - 1985
Microwave Systems Engineering, Inc.                       Phoenix, Arizona
A start-up microwave systems manufacturer, emphasizing equipment for the commercial TVRO market. Member of the Audit and Compensation Committees.

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